Professional |
Price |
USD $0 |
USD $199 |
Concurrent Use Licenses |
Unlimited |
3 |
E-Mail Support |
Perpetual software license including Free minor and major version updates if and when released. |
Members Draw |
Randomly select winner/s from your unique member listing. |
Set a percentage of "house" winners to facilitate Jackpots. |
Specify your members using any identifying text to select from. |
Re-Draw the winner if the prize is not claimed or declined. |
Draw the major prize 1st or last depending on your local legal requirements. |
Allow a single entry to win multiple prizes or exclude them after a prize win. |
Raffle Draw |
Randomly select winner/s from your defined available raffle tickets. |
Set up to 100 sequences for tickets sold. |
Set an optional colour & prefix for each sequence of ticket numbers. |
Use multiple ticket sequences to exclude tickets from the draw (eg. not sold) |
Re-Draw the winner if the prize if not claimed or declined. |
Draw the major prize 1st or last depending on your local legal requirements. |
Allow a single entry to win multiple prizes or exclude them after a prize win. |
Reverse Raffle Draw |
Randomly remove tickets from the draw until the winners are determined. |
Configurable for up to 5000 tickets or names. (Dependant on your screen resolution) |
Set an optional colour & prefix for your sequence of ticket numbers. |
Use additional sequences to exclude tickets from the draw for any unsold tickets. |
Use the Re-Buy functionality to remove entries if your exclusions are complex. |
Use names or text from a file in place of ticket numbers. |
Award intermediate prizes, eg Door Prizes. |
Control the delay between numbers drawn to speed-up or slow down the draw. |
The option to use the entire screen for the "Big-Board" and hide the animation. |
Select how much of your screen is used by the Animation. |
Use the Re-Buy functionality to add entries back in or remove entries from the draw. |
Pause the draw at any stage by pressing the spacebar. |
All Draw Types |
Create multiple prize lists with up to 1000 prizes in a list. |
Each random draw creates a draw report for verification that can be viewed onscreen and/or printed. |
All activity of the software is recorded in the Audit Log file for verification purposes. |
Have Windows read out the winning name or number using text-to-speech. |
Turn sound effects on or off. |
Move Club Raffle to another connected Monitor (New in V3.2). |
Crash protection in case someone pulls the plug, the draw will restart where it left off. |
Customise the winners display panel on the top of screen during a draw. |
Turn on / off the display of the winners panel. |
Pause the draw after each winner is chosen or set a delay in seconds for Club Raffle to pause. |
Pause the draw at any stage by pressing the space bar. |
Customisable Prizes names using any text descriptions. |
Set how long to countdown before the draw begins. |
Set how long after the draw has finished before Club Raffle is minimised to the system tray. |
Check for new versions of Club Raffle. |
Animated Themes  |
HALLOWEEN - Let the wicked witch reveal your random selection, with haunted house and wicked cackle. |
RAINBOW - The ball slides over the colourful rainbow through the warp tunnel to reveal the random selection. |
GOLF - Animated golfer with a shocking shank hits a golf ball to reveal the random selection. Use your own golf course image for a background. |
LAWN BOWLS - Animated bowler rolls the bowl into the jack. The jack flies up to reveal the random selection. Use your own clubhouse or other image as a background. |
AUSSIE RULES - Animated footballer kicks the ball for a goal or point. The football reveals the random selection. Use your own football ground image as the background. |
SCI-FI - This animation sequence has the alien computer reveal the random selection. |
JAZZ - Relax to the sights and sounds of Jazz to reveal the random selection. |
BASEBALL - Animated batter hits the baseball to reveal the random selection. Use your own field image as the background. |
CHRISTMAS - Santa rides in on his sleigh and throws you a present to reveal the random selection. |
DIY THEMES - Create your own themes for Club Raffle to use. |
CUSTOM BACKGROUND - Use your own background images instead of the inbuilt defaults for some themes. |
Advertising Options |
Set your own images and image size to be used by the inbuilt screen saver. Advertise your sponsors. |
Set how long after the draw has finished before the screen saver is activated. |
Turn on a business card display panel to display multiple images (number of images is determined by your screen resolution). |
Choose between 2 sizes for the business card display panel and display on the left or right side of your display. |
Optionally use your logo or main sponsor image on the Welcome screen, this is displayed on screen before and after each draw and when Club Raffle is paused. |
Activate the news ticker to display rotating text of your choosing on the bottom of the screen. Text is displayed constantly while Club Raffle is running. Promote upcoming events, sponsors, current meal deals, anything you like. |
Set the text font, foreground and background colour for your text banner. |
Auto Schedule |
Setup Club Raffle to run automatically at pre-determined days and times. |
Schedule up to 3 independent draws per draw type. |
Set the theme for each draw. |
Set the Members file to be used for a members draw or Reverse Raffle. |
Set the prizes offered for each draw. |